
當牙周是健康的狀態,牙周組織的牙齦和齒槽骨是順走的,對齒槽骨而言,就是所謂的正向骨型態(PositiveBonyArchitecture)。...Copyright©2013TcalDental.AllRights ...,2020年3月10日—Thisbonyarchitectureisreferredtoas'negative'or'reverse'architecture....Resorptionoftoothstructurecanalsoresultduetothe ...,2016年2月2日—Inthiscase,thepapillaisoftendescribedas“blunted.”“Negative”architectureiswhenthecervicalcr...


當牙周是健康的狀態,牙周組織的牙齦和齒槽骨是順走的,對齒槽骨而言,就是所謂的正向骨型態(Positive Bony Architecture)。 ... Copyright © 2013 Tcal Dental. All Rights ...

Patterns of bone destruction in periodontal diseases

2020年3月10日 — This bony architecture is referred to as 'negative' or 'reverse' architecture. ... Resorption of tooth structure can also result due to the ...


2016年2月2日 — In this case, the papilla is often described as “blunted.” “Negative” architecture is when the cervical crest of the marginal gingiva is ...


2015年1月15日 — The architecture is “positive” if the radicular bone is apical to the interdental bone. The bone has “negative” architecture if the interdental ...

Periodontal Osseous Defects

Positive architecture is the marginal bone loss which occurs in such a way that the interdental gingiva or bone crest is coronally located tomargins of their ...


Ideal architecture: The bone level is more coronal in the interproximal areas, with a gradual slope around and away from the tooth. Positive architecture: The ...

Biologic width and its importance in periodontal and ...

由 B Nugala 著作 · 2012 · 被引用 203 次 — This review discusses the concept of biologic width around tooth and its relationship to periodontal health and restorative dentistry. Keywords: Biologic width, ...